Smart Campus Workshop

Le premier séminaire concernant l’élaboration du projet Smart Campus dans le cadre du Cluster SysNum aura lieu le 20 septembre 2018. Vous êtes cordialement conviés aux exposés et au buffet-déjeuner. Pour des raisons logistiques, je vous serais reconnaissante de vous inscrire en cliquant sur le lien de l’invitation ci-dessous.

Smart Campus Workshop - September 20, 2018 - 10h Amphi Jean-Paul DOM (IMS - Bât A31) Campus Talence

Open Workshop dedicated to Smart Campus Initiative from University Bordeaux, IdEx, SysNum.

Abstract: The main objective of a Smart Campus is to improve students, professors and staff’s campus life thanks to numerical devices. This workshop will look upon University of Bordeaux’s determination to become a Smart Campus. To do so, a State of the Art will be done with the presentation of several Smart Campuses’ initiatives. Finally, University of Bordeaux’s past initiatives and current state of the research in IoT will be set forth.

Presentations will be in French. The Workshop is open with compulsory Registration until September 11th 2018.


Detailed Program

10h00 - 10h10: Opening and Welcome, Thomas Zimmer, University Bordeaux

10h10 -12h00: Session 1: State of the Art :

10h10-10h30 Philippe Oysel-Mestre, University of Bordeaux Montaigne
"Smart Campuses around the world: a State of the Art"

10h30-11h00 Marie-Pierre Gleizes, Chargée de la mission neOCampus à l’université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier
"neOCampus vers le campus du futur"

11h00-11h30 Francis ALLARD - Référent Smart-Campus de La Rochelle
 "French Smart Campuses: Campus de La Rochelle"

11h30-12h00 Nicolas Roux, PhD IMS/INRIA, Rennes
"Sensor-aided Non-Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring: Detecting Activity of Devices through Low-Cost Wireless Sensors"

12h-13h30 - Lunch Break / Buffet

13h30-15h00 Session 2: Smart Campus Initiatives at UB

13h30-14h00 Alain Blanchard – Directeur of ISVV
“PISE” project – Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin (ISVV)

14h00-14h30 Benoit Alquier, Pilpse, Opération campus:
 Renovation of the Campus; “Opération Campus”

14h30-15h00 Thierry DECADT Responsable du bureau développement et aide au pilotage immobilier
The “Schéma Directeur Energie-Eau” plan

15h00-15h30 Coffee Break

15h30-17h00 Session 3: SysNum - Smart Campus

15h30-16h00 Guillaume Ferré, IMS
 "Autonomous sensor design and deployment for Smart campus Initiative"

16h00-16h30 Ahmed Toufik, LaBRI
"Distributed Algorithms for Smart Campuses"

16h30-17h00 Jérémie Bigot, IMB
 "Application Scenarios: Big data"

17h00: Discussion

17h15: End of Smart Campus Workshop